Watch family guy season 15 episode 3
Watch family guy season 15 episode 3

watch family guy season 15 episode 3

If you are watching this, I am dead, and I bet you're pretty bummed. Peter: I hope so, 'cause if I blow this, I'm gonna haft go back to my old job at the Electric Company. Meg: I just wanna kill myself! I'm going upstairs right now and eat a whole bowl of peanuts! I'm allergic to peanuts! You don't know anything about me! Peter: Who was that guy? Mr. Lazenby, what the hell's going on here?! Lazenby: Apparently, there's some law against teaching the evolutionary theory that Gil Gerard used a time machine, went back, and ejaculated into the primordial ooze.

watch family guy season 15 episode 3

Lazenby's getting arrested! Principal Shepherd: Now, what in God's name…? Mr. The Kiss Seen Around the World Connie: Hey, everybody! Mr. Peter: You just hit me! Lois: That's right! Lois: You can't hit me, I'm a girl! Peter: Sometimes I wonder. Quagmire: WHOA! Transvestite! Back off! You're right. Quagmire: WHOA! Transvestite! Back off! Wait a sec, pre-op or post-op? Transvestite: Pre-op.


So, so, what were you saying? A fashion show?ĭeath's Mother: Death! Put your jacket on or you'll get frostbite! Death: I don't have skin! Death's Mother: That's 'cause you didn't eat your beans!ĭeath's Mother: Remember to zip up your fly, if you don't zip up your fly, a seagull with get ya!ĭeath: (to Peter's ghost, trying to step back into his body through the mouth) Wait, wait, what're you doing? You can't get back in like that! Peter: Well, I'm sure as Hell not going in the back door! Lethal Weapons Quagmire: Hey honey, why don't you turn around and show me the Lower East side? Transvestite: Sure. I was remembering, I accidentally put my shirt on inside out this morning. You find this funny, Tom? Tom: No, no, no. A family of four lost their lives when their minivan swerved off the road and into a ravine, exploding on impact. Peter: OH, MY GOD! Death Lives Diane: A tragic accident today in the north Providence area. Lois: Oh, Peter, I care as much about the size of your penis as you care about the size of my breasts. Peter: How the hell did this happen? I'm supposed to be the man of the house. Lois: Oh, my! Well, no wonder he's always slouching. like a happy, special- Doctor: You're going to die.

watch family guy season 15 episode 3

Rudolph: You mean, like a magical Christmas tumor? Doctor: No, a malignant tumor, the base of which is lodged deep within your brain. Rudolph: Is it pixie dust or Leprechaun tails? Doctor: No, it's a tumor. Doctor: Well, Rudolph, we finally figured out what makes your nose red. I mean, y'know, I mean, they're gonna be disappointed when they find out I'm not gay, but, wow! And the Wiener is. Inmate 1: Hey, check out the new meat! Inmate 2: I like the fat one! More cushion for the pushin'! Peter: Thank you! Inmate 3: Hey, you and me gonna have a good time together! Peter: Gosh, everybody's so nice here. One If By Clam, Two If By Sea Quagmire: So, you ladies ever been penetrated? Milano: What kinda cheap shot.?! Joel! Joel: I'm suing. Peter: Hey, since I became President, profits have been higher than Alyssa Milano. Jerry: Smoke! Timmy: What's that, Lassie? Jerry: Are ya smokin' yet?! Jerry: Smoke! Mother: You know what they say, Timmy: "Early peaches, long summer". Peaches are comin' in mighty early this year. Mother: Timmy, where's Lassie? Timmy: She's out in the orchard, Mom. Griffin Goes to Washington Brian: Those bastards turned a whole generation of Americans into smokers with their damn subliminal advertising.


And Ghost Dad was the best movie I've seen since Leonard Part 6. Stewie: I'm going to sit here and enjoy it. Brian Does Hollywood Brian: Hey, y'know what might be a thrill for you guys? Chris: Ooh! Ooh! Eating a pebble!Ĭosby: So you're going to just sit here and enjoy it. Rehab Counselor: Wait a minute, Brian, you have a pre-existing relationship with this degenerate? Peter: A degenerate, am I? Well, you are a festisio! See? I can make up words too, sister. Cop 2: Additional generic cop compliment, Brian! The Thin White Line Joe: Nice work, rookie! Cop 1: You're a credit to the force.

  • 16 A Very Special Family Guy Freakin' Christmas.
  • 14 Peter Griffin: Husband, Father.Brother?.

  • Watch family guy season 15 episode 3